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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life After Death Row by Saundra Westervelt

Professor Saundra D. Westervelt (sociology) has co-authored the book, Life After Death Row: Exonerees’ Search for Community and Identity.  The book, which chronicles the lives of 18 death row exonerees as they struggle to reclaim their lives after being set free, examines how policy changes could mitigate those struggles for others.

More information about the author and this book can be found in the campus news section of the UNCG Website and on the publisher's website.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Erotics of Sovereignty by Mark Rifkin

from the publisher's website:

In 1970 the Nixon administration inaugurated a new era in federal Indian policy. No more would the U.S. government seek to deny and displace Native peoples or dismantle Native governments; from now on federal policy would promote “the Indian’s sense of autonomy without threatening his sense of community."

In The Erotics of Sovereignty, Mark Rifkin [English] offers a telling perspective on what such a policy of self-determination has meant and looks at how contemporary queer Native writers use representations of sensation to challenge official U.S. accounts of Native identity. Rifkin focuses on four Native writers—Qwo-Li Driskill (Cherokee), Deborah Miranda (Esselen), Greg Sarris (Graton RacherĂ­a), and Chrystos (Menominee)—approaching their fiction and poetry as forms of political theory. 

Rifkin shows how the work of these queer or two-spirit Native writers affirms the significance of the erotic as an exercise of individual and community sovereignty. In this way, we come to see how their work contests the homophobic, sexist, and exclusivist policies and attitudes of tribal communities as well as those of the nation-state. 

Professor Rifkin's previous book, When Did Indians Become Straight?: Kinship, the History of Sexuality, and Native Sovereignty (2011) was recently awarded the prestigious John Hope Franklin Prize in American Studies.    Please see the Department of English's website for more information on Professor Mark Rifkin and his published works. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure by Joseph Hill

Dr. Joseph Hill (Specialized Education Services) is a co-author of the recent book, The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure  (Gallaudet University Press).   Many people are at least somewhat familiar with American Sign Language, but few are aware that, like any other language, sign language can have dialects and other variations. According to one review, this book and its companion DVD “present the first empirical study that begins to fill in the linguistic gaps about Black ASL.”

The separation of  black and white deaf children was a contributing factor to the development of distinct dialects of ASL.  This book is an important step in understanding how and why such divisions occur and the extent of their ramifications. The growing interest in multicultural education ensures that it will reach an interested audience.

Please see the UNCG website for an in-depth article about Dr. Hill and his book.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, by Dale H. Schunk

Professor Dale H. Schunk, Education, has published Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. According to the publisher, this book is "an essential resource for understanding the main principles, concepts and research findings of key learning theories - especially as they relate to education - this proven text blends theory, research and applications throughout, providing its readers with a coherent and unified perspective on learning in educational settings."