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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Violence Against Women and Children--Mapping the Terrain and Navigating the Solutions

The University Libraries were delighted when the American Psychological Association (APA) donated this landmark two volume series on domestic violence co-edited by Professor Jacquelyn White of UNCG's Department of Psychology. Thank you Dr. White for bringing the libraries' program to your publisher's attention!

The APA describes that the books are designed "to provide consensus recommendations for researchers, practitioners, advocates, policymakers, and all those who seek more effective responses to interpersonal violence."

In the first volume, Mapping the Terrain,"experts from diverse disciplines describe prevalence rates among various populations; risk factors for perpetration and vulnerability and protective factors for potential victims. They also document the impact of violence on the victims in terms of psychological, reproductive, maternal and child health, and behavioral and economic consequences. In the process, they establish commonalities across child abuse, sexual and domestic violence, and suggest vital next steps for collaborative efforts."

In the second volume, Navigating Solutions, "eminent scholars use a public health model to examine current societal responses to interpersonal violence. Authors examine the efficacy of medical and psychological treatments for victims, families, and perpetrators, as well as justice system responses to various forms of child abuse, sexual violence, and domestic violence. Interventions are suggested at several levels of prevention, including initiatives designed to eradicate the problem (primary prevention), reduce it among those at risk (secondary prevention), and minimize the negative consequences of violence and stabilize health (tertiary prevention). Finally, the editors present an integrative conclusion that provides a sound foundation for future responses across practice, research, advocacy and policy, at the local and national level."

We expect the volumes to be valuable to researchers and students in several disciplines and again want to thank the APA for their generosity.

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