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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reading and Writing Genre with Purpose in K-8 Classrooms

When reviewing Reading and Writing Genre with Purpose in K-8 Classrooms Laura Robb, author of Teaching Middle School Writers: What Every English Teacher Needs to Know, tells educators to "Make room on your professional bookshelf for a much needed book! You'll learn how to explicitly teach genre features and coach students as you establish meaningful writing purposes that inspire students to read. Not only do the authors provide solid guidelines for teaching genre in writing and reading, but they also invite you into classrooms to see how teachers and students create environments that engage all learners. And for each genre, you'll find lists of books to teach reading and writing!"

The publisher's description of Reading and Writing Genre with Purpose in K-8 Classrooms says:

"Drawing from theory and research that suggests students learn better and more deeply when learning is contextualized and genuinely motivated, the book presents five guiding principles for teaching genre. Emphasizing purposeful communication, it will guide you through teaching students to read, write, speak, and listen to different real-world genres that inspire and engage them. Nell Duke, Samantha Caughlan, Mary Juzwik, and Nicole Martin:

  •  identify commonly used assignments and practices for teaching genre that are fundamentally flawed and explain why
  • offer inspiring alternative practices, grounded in research and illustrated in real projects in real classrooms
  • show how the five guiding principles come to life in reading and writing projects across the whole K–8 grade span
  • provide planning sheets and other tools and tips that will allow you to manage genre-with-purpose instruction in your classroom.
This book is about teaching genre differently—with purpose. Reading and Writing Genre with Purpose in K–8 Classrooms will help you reinvigorate your teaching."

One of the authors, Assistant Professor Nicole M. Martin, is part of UNCG's Department of Teacher Education and Higher Education.

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